Group Happy Hour

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It’s the little things that we miss out on when we are working remotely. The ‘water cooler’ meetings, break room chatter, and impromptu happy hours. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way! It just takes a bit of planning to make those events still happen in a remotie world.

We have a standing Zoom ‘Happy Hour’ meeting where anyone can just pop in. It’s totally awkward at first so here are some tips:

  • Make it a regular event - The more routine you make these hangouts, the less awk it will be.
  • Have someone be the host - The host can make sure conversation keeps moving.
  • Back pocket topics - Have a short list of topics in your back pocket in case of a conversation lull.
  • Share and tell - Have everyone share something like a favorite vacation or story.
  • Set a weekly topic - Make sure it isn’t too heavy though! No one wants to pop into a heated debate.
  • Mind your mic - Be sure to participate but mute yourself: group video calls are notorious for background noise.
  • Make sure everyone is heard - Some people are more naturally quiet, and it’s even harder for them on a group call. You can help include these people by asking them specific questions. They want to share too!

We hope you have many awesome group remotie happy hours!


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